
School Governors

School Governors

Like all schools, a Board of Governors oversees life at West Green Primary. The Governing Body has wide-ranging responsibilities and powers and works with the Headteacher and staff to:

  • Agree the aims and values of the school
  • Make decisions on the budget and approve School Development Plans
  • Ensure that the National Curriculum is taught
  • Monitor and review the school’s progress
  • Ensure that individual pupil’s needs are met, including special needs
  • Be involved in the recruitment of staff
  • Provide information about school for parents
  • Produce action plans following Inspection
  • Establish and maintain positive links with the local community
The Governors meet twice a term as a full body and each governor also sits on one of two subcommittees, which also meet once a term. The two subcommittees are:

Finance- responsible for the financial & physical resources of the school.

Standards - responsible for staff selection, school policy and ensuring that the National Curriculum is taught in the school.

In addition, some governors have particular responsibilities for overseeing certain aspects of the school’s work, for example, special educational needs or health & safety. The governors subscribe to and attend the LA’s training programme designed for them.

The size and composition of the Governing Body is laid down by law and Governors are appointed or elected by specific bodies or groups, but Governors are not delegates who must vote according to the wishes of those groups. The groups are: Parent governors, Staff governors, LA governors, and Co-opted governors.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor or you would like to talk to a governor, please email clerk@westgreenprimary.com
For more information on each Governor, please refer to the following documents:
 Our School Governors
Mrs Jill Wilson - Chair of Governors
Mrs Sally Chapman - Head Teacher
Mr Craig O'Connell - Parent Governor
Miss Chantelle Blunden - Co-opted Governor
Mrs Kayleigh Whitlock - Staff Governor
Mrs Sue Burrage - Clerk to Governors